Ministries @ HBC


Mission Outreach

Hardison Baptist is thrilled to be part of the spread of God’s kingdom around the world. We are active in sending missionaries and supporting these missionaries with our money and with our prayers. Currently we support 22 missionaries in 12 different countries around the World. Our church family has a heart to reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to minister to those who have answered God’s call to commit their lives to this purpose!!!


Discipleship Ministry

One of the greatest needs in our churches today is discipleship. It is our burden to purposely cultivate redemptive relationships with the goal of bringing those around us into a closer walk with Christ! Through the weekly preaching and teaching of God’s Word, group discipleship on Wednesday and Sunday evenings as well as one-on-one sessions throughout the week we are seeking to build up believers and help equip them for the working of the ministry!


Children’s Ministry

Many young families are searching for the means to help teach and grow their children in the Lord. Hardison has a dedicated group of volunteers who have a burden to reach children with the Gospel and begin the discipleship process in these crucial years. Wednesday evening we have Kids4Truth Bible Club where our children not only learn God’s Word, but also how to apply it to their lives. Sundays are also a special time at Hardison for our Kids! We have Sunday School for all age groups at 10 am and then Children’s Church at 11 am where they learn what “Grow Time” is all about!